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Castle Peak Yurt Success Story

Get Inspired with Inspired Summit Adventures


This mountain yurt offers a magical experience for premier skiing, especially with this year’s record-breaking snow totals! Welcome to the Castle Peak Yurt, a true backcountry yurt that sits at 9800′ in the Western Uintas Mountains of Utah. This outdoor adventure yurt has been wildly successful for Inspired Summit Adventures leading them to be featured in Ski Magazine’s 2023 January issue.

SKI Magazine - JANUARY 11, 2023 article

The Inspired Summit Adventures team will take your technical backcountry skills to the next level year around. During the winter months, they offer access to remote backcountry skiing and split boarding. This camp is about taking you further, and giving you the skills to excel in remote, rugged, and committing terrain. From the moment you get to the trailhead, you know it’s the real deal! Guides load up your snowmobile, which you’ll ride deep into the heart of the Uinta range under the guidance and leadership team. The Castle Peak Yurt basecamp is equipped with mountaineering tents, a kitchen tent with a heater, solar power, and their personal chef who will be preparing all your meals.

All you have to do is show up with your personal gear, ready to learn, and they take care of the rest!





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